Lincoln M. Roth

Firmware Engineer | Hardware and Deep Tech Specialist

About Me

Hi there 👋

I'm Lincoln, a full-stack robotics engineer, and I love making excellent software for hardware. I have experience covering the entire stack of hardware development, from Mechanical to Electrical to Firmware/Software engineering, allowing me to fully understand the system and solve problems in the most optimal and nuanced way possible. I am especially passionate about robotics, climate tech, and medtech.
I'm currently a Firmware Engineer at Second Order Effects, an Engineering Consultancy, where I've done work for clients in many different industries including green energy (fusion!), satellites, medical devices, and rockets. I've previously worked for ASML (makes the machines that make basically all the semiconductors in the world!) as a mechantronics intern where I worked on optimization robot arms and also I've worked on CircuitPython through the MLH Fellowship.

I studied Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science and have years of experience in the mechatronics/hardware development space covering mechanical, electrical, firmware and software engineering. Here are some of the cool things I've built and worked on (all non-work related):

More detailed information of my professional experience can be found in my resume

Select Projects


Firefighting Robot

Built an autonomous maze-solving candle-extinguishing robot for the Trinity International Robotics Contest. Developed custom servos and control algorithms with precise odometry. Used a 2D lidar and highly-performant and custom-built SLAM algorithms running on a low power embedded linux platform.

What I learned/tried for the first time:


Low-Cost, High Torque Density Robotics Actuator

Designed and built a high-torque density custom servomotor specifically designed for rapid robotics development. Used hobby BLDC motors in a quasi-direct drive setup paired with a high power motor control platform and FOC control. Allowed for very fast, high precision motion, in a modular form factor greatly reducing the needed work on many other projects.

Picture is not mine! Lost the CAD :(

More to come! (once i have some time to document them...)



LinkedIn: lincoln-roth

GitHub: lincolnmroth